i want to announce that this is going to be an ongoing series about self-improvement that i want to share to all of you in need in order to be better, because being better every time, being flexible should not be considered as a way to be liked and/or accepted. it's actually a way to feel better around people by keeping your head up and learning by mistakes. we all make mistakes every now and then and they are acceptable only if we strive and we stab our mistakes in their back with positivity!
so what should you really do if you're a novice? what am i really talking about? who should you be to be able to acquire your goals? technically nobody special, because self-improvement comes from within not from external advice: because you are the master of yourself and no one can tell you how to be accepted unless it's you.
1. create a good environment.
a good environment is the key to feel better, more comfortable, cozy and intimate with your inner you. get your rituals done like skincare, a bath/shower etc...; create some diffused lightning using a desk lamp or a candle; rap yourself with a cozy blanket and start to think about you.
2. write down some questions about you.
who thought that just by asking oneselves some basic questions, you can access to a huge psychological side of us? getting them written on a notebook is a great habit to start doing and I got you covered: here is a video (video by ann lee at creative minds journals) with 30 writing prompts that you can follow too!
3. get this time useful.
keep track of your favorite writing prompts and update them frequently to keep track with your process. get your time on point to avoid wasting it.
three easy tasks seem enough for me for a beginner to start with. keep updated because great things are coming next on this serie!
sneak peak: decluttering.
stay fresh and inspirational, bye!🧡